Nonfiction Books for 12-Year-Olds (7th Grade)

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Find the best nonfiction books for 12 year olds in 7th grade with this book list of highly recommended nonfiction books for middle grade young readers.

It’s essential that kids read a variety of genres, including nonfiction. This list will help!

Nonfiction Books for 12-Year-Olds (7th Grade)

nonfiction books for 12 year olds
Never Caught, The Story of Ona Judge: Young Readers Edition
 by Erica Armstrong Dunbar and Kathleen Van Cleve
This is a VERY well-written narrative nonfiction book. At age 10, Ona becomes Martha Washington’s personal slave. After 13 years of this thankless work with no pay, no days off, and no freedom, Ona learns that Martha plans to send Ona as a “gift” to Martha’s unkind granddaughter. Ona escapes north with the help of other freed slaves living in the city. Washington is so mad he wants to break his own law —the fugitive slave act— by capturing her without a trial and returning her to his wife. But that doesn’t happen and even though Ona lives in poverty with many losses, she lives free.

Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation
adapted by Ari Folman, illustrated by David Polonsky
The diary bits and dialogue are well-balanced into a cohesive graphic novel story that feels seamless, well-written, and insightful. Anne’s personality really shines through as she sets the historical context and describes her daily life in hiding which isn’t always very exciting but does result in a romance with the boy her age who lives there, too.

nonfiction books for 12 year olds 
The Making of America: Susan B. Anthony
by Teri Kanefield
Susan B. Anthony worked tirelessly to advocate for women’s rights and the rights of African Americans. Anthony was raised as a Quaker and highly educated which was rare for girls at the time. She even went to seminary for a short time until her family’s financial situation changed her direction. Because of her, women can own property, vote, divorce abusers, have custody of their children, and are citizens because of the efforts of Susan B. Anthony and others. I hope this book becomes required reading for middle schoolers — both boys and girls. It’s also beneficial for kids to know how much one person can do to make a difference in the world.

nonfiction books for 12 year olds 
Girl CEO Priceless Advice from Trailblazing Women
by Ronnie Cohen and Katherine Ellison
The 40 fascinating female biographies in this book will inspire your girls and boys to see their dreams as possibilities. Because many of the CEO (chief executive officer) girls and women in this book are also entrepreneurs that came up with their own original ideas for a company. Each featured story contains illustrations, an important quote, and 3-4 pages about the woman which reflect the authors’ depth of research and personal interviews with the women.

Survivors of the Holocaust: True Stories of Six Extraordinary Children
by Kath Shackleton, illustrated by Zane Whittingham
Read about sixordinary kids who experienced the hardest things a child could face…being torn from their homes, separated from family, captured as a prisoner, and/or forced to hide. Graphic storytelling with unique artwork supports the clear, compelling narratives that will stay with you. It’s pretty sad to witness the tragedies in these children’s lives. Powerful, emotional, and deeply disturbing that leaves us with a sense of loss, even with these children’s survival. We need more books like this. We must never forget. Buy this book for your classrooms and libraries!

Accidental Archeologists: True Stories of Unexpected DIscoveries
by Sarah Albee, illustrated by Nathan Hackett Albee consistently writes exceptional, appealing nonfiction books and this latest one is no exception. The writing hooks you from the first page and the stories of accidental archeological discoveries are compelling. She includes black and white photographs, informational insets, and present-day updates. I thoroughly loved learning about the discovery of The Rosetta Stone, a fought-over golden Buddha statue, a 5300-year-old mummy, and the other discoveries; you will, too.

Organized by sports (bat and ball, indoor, winter, outside, rackets, and aquatic,) each entry talks about the sport and then adds in the scientific elements, finishing off with an experiment. Take for example, “Why Does Pumping Up a Basketball Make it Bouncier?” talks about different ball sports and then gives you a cool bouncing experiment to try where you compare different bounce heights to their inflated pounds per square inch. I LOVE the ideas and lessons in this book and can’t wait to try some with my 12 year old kids.

Black Heroes of the Wild West
by James Otis Smith
This exceptional graphic novel contains three compelling biographies of little-known historical black individuals who lived during the Old West. Smith is an exceptional storyteller and you’ll be pulled into the stories immediately. Read about Stagecoach Mary, a former slave who had the most interesting life that included many jobs, and Bob Lemmons whose horse training skills helped him capture a wild mustang stallion.

What an interesting nonfiction book for 12-year-olds! The author puts together the background and plans of each of the men who escaped from the inescapable prison of Alcatraz. Photographs throughout add realism to the historical events.
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Issac The Alchemist Secrets of Issac Newton, Reveal’d
by Mary Losure
Newton had a difficult childhood but his curiosity and genius were always present throughout his life. After living at an apothecary, for several years he had a chance to go to the university, and eventually, Newton became one of the world’s most well-known scientists, the father of physics. I highly recommend this for a narrative nonfiction reading choice.

Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Journey to Justice
by Debbie Levy, illustrated by Whitney Gardner Introduce young readers to the fascinating life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with this clearly-written graphic novel that shows her life from childhood to adulthood including her family life. Based on her experiences and quest for fairness, Ginsburg became passionate about civil liberties, specifically gender discrimination. Not only was she a lawyer and judge but she also became a Supreme Court Justice. Readers will see how Ginsburg was true to herself and her goals and persisted despite difficulties and used her career to fight for equal rights. Well-crafted and highly recommended.
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
The Tapir Scientists Saving South America’s Largest Mammal
by Sy Montgomery, photographs by Nic Bishop
Best for upper elementary or middle school, the writing in The Tapir Scientist is excellent, making for an enjoyable read. Montgomery shares about the scientists who are studying the tapirs and makes their work, their struggles, and their successes interesting to readers. You’ll get an in-depth look at what life for a scientist is like, the day-to-day experience.
nonfiction books 12 year olds
It’s Up to You, Abe Lincoln: How I Made the Biggest Decisions of My Life
by Tom & Leila Hirschfeld
You are Abe Lincoln in this book which describes your life starting from childhood with photos, fun facts, and quizzes of “What Would You Do?” The writing flows smoothly, the layout is eye-catching, and the information is interesting and historically important.
nonfiction books for 12 year olds
An Invisible Thread: A Young Readers Edition
 by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski
Filled with messages of kindness, trust, and friendship renews my faith in humanity in a BIG way. Laura first meets Maurice when he’s 11-years-old and begging on the street corner and she commits to Maurice. They eat dinner together every Monday for YEARS. Laura also packs him lunches for school and buys him outfits because he only had owned one dirty pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. (Which was yet another reason not to go to school.) What I like so much is how Laura treats Marice with respect and friendship — never, ever pity. 
The Big Book of Monsters: The Creepiest Creatures from Classic Literature
by Hal Johnson, illustrated by Tim Sievert
Learn about the scariest monsters from literature! Packed full of information, The Big Book of Monsters features 25 monsters from many cultures, some as ancient as you can imagine starting with Apep who comes from The Book of the Dead, 16th Century BC. Like all the monsters in this book, you’ll read who he is (Yikes!) and then supporting information in a “Beyond the Book” section which in this case is about translating the hieroglyphics and Egyptian short stories.
Brazen stands out among the crowd because it is written in comic stories rather than the expected one page of expository text plus one illustration. Kids love stories. Kids love graphic novels. Put those together and you’ve got one must-read book! Oh, and I’m fascinated by the colors used to illustrate these comics — they’re unusual and very visually appealing. Some of these stories will be familiar (Temple Grandin) but most of them will be new to you (Clementine Delait, Nzinga, or Sonita Alizadeh.)
First, there are essays with life lessons. Then, there are quotes from famous athletes and artists along with the Rules written by Kwame Alexander. The one that stuck out to me the most was Rule #30, “There is no single formula for winning but you must have a game plan” accompanied by the quote “I never worry about the problem. I worry about the solution.” – Shaquille O’Neal. But imagine reading this with kids, each child will find something that will stand out.
Memorable, gripping short stories tell about some of the 10,000 children who escaped the Nazis without their parents, traveled to England, and lived with host families until the war was over. Some were reunited with families while others were not, but they were all saved.
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Totally Wacky Facts About History
by Cari Meister
This little book makes history interesting to kids — it’s filled with colorful photos and illustrations and yes, wacky facts. Love these!
Rhode’s conversational voice and writing style make the wealth of information about classical composers surprisingly easy to read with flow and pizazz. Be sure to link to his playlist so you can listen as you read to the composers and their most famous pieces. Brilliant color and graphic design will appeal to readers as it brings the subject into the modern-day world.

Awesome Achievers in Technology
by Alan Katz, illustrated by Chris Judge
Kids will zip through this excellent middle-grade biography because the author makes the information relevant and relatable.   The writing is conversational, the author is totally hilarious (especially when he talks about his own ridiculous inventions or the questions he asks Siri) and there are illustrations, quizzes, fast facts, and activities plus a wealth of fascinating information about each inventor’s life. You’ll read about the inventors of video games, the television remote control, the cell phone, windshield wipers, the first web browser, and the microwave oven.
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
The Notorious Benedict Arnold by Steve Sheinkin
If only all nonfiction books for children were this engaging and well-written! This reads like a story, a narrative. Thank you, Mr. Sheinkin!
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds
Bomb: The Race to Build –and Steal–the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin
Another knock-out nonfiction book from the talented Steve Sheinkin perfect for 12-year-olds! I’m so impressed with how Sheinkin makes this story come ALIVE like it’s an adventure/mystery/thriller and not real life. Well, they do say truth is stranger than fiction. But usually, it’s written like it’s duller than dirt. This book is a great exception — totally engaging and keeps readers’ attention.

Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Two Truths and a Lie
by Ammi-Joan Paquette and Laurie Ann Thompson, illustrated by Lisa K. Weber
This nonfiction book is GENIUS! It’s an impressive dare really for kids to read and figure out what is true and what is a lie. Know that readers will not just be reading and thinking deeply, but they’ll also doing research while they’re immersed in the book… (Because 11-year-old readers must know if a prehistoric dinosaur named “Bambi” exists, if the slyrking will take over your picnic, or if doctors really can implant a stimoceiver in the brain to control your behavior.)

Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods
by Rick Riordan, illustrated by John Rocco
My kids can’t stop reading and rereading this enormous volume of Greek myths, retold Riordan style — I’m talking laugh-out-loud style. Remember all the hilarious chapter titles in Riordan’s Percy Jackson books? And the witty, sarcastic voice of Percy? Yup. All here. 12-year-olds will GET this humor.

Girl Activist: Winning Strategies from Women Who’ve Made a Difference
by Louisa Kamps, Susanna Daniel &  Michelle Wildgen, illustrated by Georgia Rucker
Read short biographies about women who have taken a stand against injustice of some kind; injustices like the conditions of migrant farmworkers (Dolores Huerta) or forced marriages of young girls (Sonita Alizadeh) or polluted, toxic tap water (LeeAnne Walters). These 40 inspirational women demonstrate how one individual can change things for the better because they care. Readers will learn how each woman used different strategies whether social media, art, protest, petitions, or something else.

Whoppers Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds
Whoppers: History’s Most Outrageous Lies and Liars by Christine Seifert
I read this nonfiction book aloud to my kids — it was SO fun because it prompted great discussion and interaction. They couldn’t believe that people would make up such outrageous lies. 12-year-olds will learn about some incredible wild whoppers — from people you’ve heard of like Charles Ponzi to people you’ve never heard of like George Psalmanazar who convinced people he was a native from his made-up island of Formosa.

 Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Finding Wonders: Three Girls Who Changed Science
by Jeannine Atkins
Three girls’ lives, Maria Merian, Mary Anning, and Maria Mitchell, are showcased in this beautiful book in verse. Each girl’s scientific interest is explained and elaborated. We see how their interests grew into something more, into the passions and discoveries that become their life’s work.

nonfiction for 12 year olds
Girls Think of Everything Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women
by Catherine Thimmesh, illustrated by Melissa Sweet
12 year olds will love this expanded and revised nonfiction book with Melissa Sweet’s gorgeous designs and illustrations. The author writes the biographies like a fictional narrative story with action and suspense which makes them fun to read. What great models for entrepreneurs, inventors, and having a growth mindset.

Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
The Way Things Work Now From Levers to Lasers, Windmills to Wi-Fi, a Visual Guide to the World of Machines Revised and Updated
by David Macaulay with Neil Ardley
You won’t believe how much there is in this illustrated 400-page informational guide to the inner workings of machines and devices! It starts with simple machines and moves on to more complex machines and technology such as helicopters, digital videos, electric circuitry, automatic transmission, and even the Internet. I’m thinking it would take months, if not years, to read everything in this enormous, updated book. A must-own for schools and libraries.

A detailed and thorough nonfiction biography for 7th graders is about Maria’s childhood and adult. The book includes detailed illustrations and photographs of her actual drawings and the insect and plant specimens she observed plus occasional informational insets describing the world around her at the time— the first museums, the role of women, and science before photography, just to name a few. Maria’s dogged passion for the natural world, insects, in particular, led to being one of the first naturalists to document a butterfly’s metamorphosis. Her story is fascinating and inspirational.
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Unbroken (The Young Adult Adaptation): An Olympian’s Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive
 by Laura Hillenbrand
Louis Zamperini’s life is almost unbelievable. In his early years, he was a hoodlum, then he became an Olympic runner, and most memorably an airman who was shot down. His story shows that he is a man who has great strength of character (growth mindset) to persevere despite all of life’s challenges.
Nonfiction Books for 12 Year Olds (7th Grade)
Boys in the Boat (Young Readers Adaptation): The True Story of an American Team’s Epic Journey to Win Gold at the 1936 Olympics
 by Daniel James Brown
It’s hard to imagine overcoming as many obstacles as Joe Rantz (homelessness included) but he is determined to get a college education. He and his crew teammates are also determined to be the best rowers but they never expected to beat the Germans. This is an exemplary true story of grit that will inspire your 12-year-olds.

Rise Up: Ordinary Kids With Extraordinary Stories
by Amanda Li, illustrated by Amy Blackwell Middle school students will appreciate the colorful layouts, exceptional writing, and wealth of information about SO many amazing role model kids. Learn about Poorna Malavath from India who climbed Mt. Everest, Desmond Doss, a WWII hero from the U.S., and Molly Kelly from Australia who escaped from forced resettlement for Aboriginal children. The writing grabs you from the first sentence — and makes these children’s true stories exciting and dramatic as if you were reading an adventure story.

We Are Artists: Women who Made Their Mark on the World
by Kari Herbert
I’m loving this book so much — it shares well-written biographies (about 3- 5 pages for each woman) about so many female artists from different countries, each with their own unique style and life experience. From Yayoi Kusama of Japan to Alma Thomas of the U.S. to Amrita Sher-Gil of India and Hungary, discover incredible, passionate artists with long-lasting influence.
This dense book is filled with cool information and fun hands-on activities that kids will love trying. You’ll find these categories: the natural world, the human body, chemistry, Earth, physics, and space. Make bug chambers in the natural world, do a taste test in the human body, test black ink in chemistry, make a solar tower in Earth, make paper airplanes in physics, and more! An impressive amount of ideas fill this DK nonfiction book.
Why Is Art Full of Naked People?
by Susie Hodge
My 12-year-old, artistically-inclined daughter thinks this is the BEST book! In fact, she says it’s been much better than this year’s not-so-great art teacher at her school. You’ll find out so many useful facts to questions your probably didn’t even know you had such as: Why is everything blurry? Do artists copy each other? Why is art so expensive? This book takes common kid questions and helps children understand and appreciate art in a deeper way. Very interesting!! I’m glad we own it.
The Book of Ingeniously Daring Chemistry 24 Experiments for Young Scientists
by Sean Connolly 
FASCINATING! I love the writing in this book because it makes chemistry really understandable and interesting. 12 year olds will read about an element on the periodic table then do a related experiment. For example, you might learn how iron oxidizes by submerging steel wool in vinegar. Or learn about magnesium with an Epsom salts crystalizing experiment.
nonfiction books for 12 year olds
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